Thursday, January 18, 2018

Wednesday January 17, 2018

Wednesday January 17, 2018

Blog time 1730 sitting at dining room table

This was Breakfast Club Wednesday so up with alarm at 0515.  It was cold, 12, this morning with a very light snow.  The roads were clear.

Light turnout at today’s meeting.  The majority of those in attendance were over the age of seventy.  We have a problem.

Today’s speaker was the new president of GRCC.  He talked about ongoing programs at GRCC.  The most interesting new program is a local school district’s contract with GRCC.  Selected students in the district start taking a CC class in grade 10 and gradually take more CC classes in grades 11 and 12.  They program has a grade 13.  At the completion of grade 13 the student has an Associate Degree.  The beauty of the program is that all classes are at the local high school and it does not cost the student anything.  Sounds great for some kids.

After BC I headed to the Y.  My original plan was to go swimming but I chickened out.  I did light calisthenics followed by a two mile walk/run.

Stopped at Panera for coffee and a chance to read the papers.  Apple’s announcement that it is bringing back billions of dollars from overseas was a major story.  Congress has three day to fund the government and the clowns are still playing games.  I thinks folks are getting tired of these silly antics.

After Panera I headed to Ace Hardware.  I bought a new Yeti insulated coffee mug.  Also bought light bulbs and picture frame hangers.

Lunch followed by chores, trash and a load of laundry, before taking a nap.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.  Temp was in the mid 20s but the 25 mph wind put wind chill near single digits.

Light dinner tonight followed by some Netflix or Acorn watching.  A January thaw is predicted for the weekend.  Stay tuned!

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