Friday, January 12, 2018

Thursday January 11, 2018

Thursday January 11, 2018

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Up at 0615 and encountered rain and 50 degrees when first went out this morning.  Nancy is heading out for a 0900 eye doctor appointment.  Since the cataract surgery she no longer needs either distance or reading glasses.

After breakfast I put on my rain coat and walked to the Y.  It was dark and raining.  It is 1.66 miles from the condo to Y.

I thought the Y would be jammed with all the New Year’s resolution folks.  Not so, the place was empty.  I did my normal route at 50%.

This and that from the morning papers:

The Alpena News addressed an important question today: when is it legal to keep an ice shanty overnight on the ice; answer no law exists just use your best judgment. The only rule on shanties is that they have to be removed by March 15.

Will congress let the DACA folks stay.  I think a solution will be found.  

Work requirements for able bodied folks on Medicaid.  Some states require it.  I support it and can’t see why these folks shouldn’t be working.

Global warming has opened polar travel.  It is a big plug for countries like Russia, Canada and Scandinavian countries.

Political conflicts making the news:  Poland vs the EU and Catalonia vs Spain.  The EU and Spain have strong arguments for their positions.

If POTUS showed more restraint he might get some of his programs, like infrastructure, implemented.  He seems to be moving in the right direction until he makes some off the wall stupid comment and creates a major distraction.
It rained most of the day making being outside miserable.  At home I took down our Christmas tree and removed the lights from the deck.  Also removed the Christmas wreaths from the garage and stored them.

I have been putting out corn for the critters.  Noted that most of the corn has not been touched.  Maybe the animals could not see the corn because of the snow cover.  The warm weather has melted most of the snow.  I put out more corn and hope it is found before new snow arrives.

Lunch and then laundry, a nap and time in the office.  I gathered some items for our tax returns.

Nancy fixed herself chicken for dinner.  She fixed me a brat, baked beans and mashed potatoes.  Good food.

We watched the news and then an episode of Inspector Lewis on Acorn.  It was still raining and 50 degrees when I took Ms P out at 2200.

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