Sunday, January 7, 2018

Friday January 5, 2018

Friday January 5, 2018

Blog time January 6, 2020 sitting in motel room

I got up at 0600 and headed downstairs to try the Hampton Inn complimentary breakfast.  I gave their oatmeal an A.  Rest of food I rated a B.

I  had coffee with Stephen at 0900.  The place was called Ground’s Bakery in Long Beach.  Nancy drove me to the coffee shop and then she went shopping while Steve and I had coffee and a typical father/son conversation.

Nancy picked me up after coffee and Steve went back to work.  We drove to Steve and Veronica’s home to meet with Veronica and grandkids, Lucas and Alessandra.  

We all piled in Veronica’s Toyota SUV and headed to one of Long Beach’s Nature preserves.  The place was packed with families enjoying the last day of Christmas break.  We walked the mile trail.  Great day for walk, sunny with temps near 70.

The walk gave everyone an appetite so we stopped at California Pizza Kitchen in Seal Beach.  The food was good but service mediocre.

After a fun lunch we headed to a bowling alley in Long Beach.  Veronica and the kids bowled and Nancy and I watched.  I had forgotten what a great family activity bowling is.  The alley had 55 lanes and most were filled.

We got back to Steve’s house at 1700.  The sun goes down a little after 1700 in LB.  I don’t like driving in the heavy CA traffic after dark so we said our goodbyes and headed back to the motel.  We had some snacks, wine and watched a little TV before turning in.  We were both asleep by 1900.

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