Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Monday January 22, 2018

Monday January 22, 2018

Blog time 0950 at Panera

I hate January thaws, it was raining with temps in mid 30s when I first went out.  Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  Quick breakfast and then I put on my rain gear and started walking to the Y.  About 1/2 mile into the walk the rain increased and I heard thunder and saw lightning.  I quickly changed plans and headed to the warmth of Panera.  Panera is about 1/2 way between the condo and Y.  I will do my calisthenics at home.  Yucky, yucky, yucky!

Great to hear that the U S Chamber of Commerce is proposing a $0.25 per gallon gas tax.  An increase is long overdue.  A gas tax is a utility fee just like your water or electric charge.  The more you use the utility the more you pay.  Our highways need work.  

Speaking of highways, ENR this morning reported on the expansion of California’s I405 in Orange County.  We spend a lot of time on the 405 when we visit CA.  The 405 is one of the USA’s busiest highways.  Driving on it is a challenge.

The Government shutdown dominates the news.  I don’t think most folks really care.  

Will Sunday’s Women Marches impact the 2018 elections.  They sure have commanded a lot of news coverage.

We have gained 36 minutes of daylight since the Solstice.  We now have 9h36’.  For comparison Edinburgh has only 8 hours of daylight today.  Why am I obsessed with length of days.  Cabin fever maybe?

Still raining when I left Panera.  I was throughly soaked when I got home.  At home I performed my normal Y routine.  Showered and then had a quick lunch.  

I ran errands this afternoon.  First stop Costco for eye drops and Dublinger cheese.  Next at Meijer’s I bought milk, denture cleaner and spray to get rid of mold.  Noted mold along a crack in our concrete basement wall.  The crack had been patched but appears to have opened allowing minor water seepage.  I called the Condo’s property manager about the reopened crack.  They will sent a repair man later this week.

I did take a short nap.  I needed a short walk to get my 10,000 steps in so I walked to corner.  It worked.

Being forced inside by the winter weather I have been working on the family tree.  Yesterday I checked my 23&me account.  I was informed that I have a 2nd Cousin DNA match.  I get a lot of DNA matches on both the 23&me site and My Heritage site.  Usually the match is a fourth Cousin or higher.  Daughter Melissa had her DNA done and it correctly listed her as my daughter.  The 2nd Cousin match is listed as an Anonymous Female.  I don’t have many female 2nd cousins and I would like to know who anonymous is?

Light dinner tonight.  I continue my experiment of drinking beer in lieu of red wine to see if the wine is contributing to my slurred speech.  My preliminary conclusion is the red wine has no impact.  Will continue drinking beer for the rest of the week.  What a sacrifice!

Light dinner, watched the news before switching to Netflix.  We watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.

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