Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Blog time 1150 at Panera

36 with light mist when I first went out this morning.  Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  I decided to wear my raincoat for the walk to the Y.  A strong west wind, 22mph, made the walk cold.

Followed my normal routine a the Y.  My goal is to row 2K in under 9’30”.  So far I have not reached it but am hoping for next week.  The walk home from Panera was aided by having the wind at my back.  The temperature had dropped to 30 and it was snowing.

At home Nancy told me that the concrete repair company hired by the Condo Association would stop by to check on our leaking wall crack.

Lunch and then I spent some time reading the WSJ and other outlets.  Some articles I found interesting:

Turkey is ignoring the USA’s concerns and has attacked our Kurd allies along the Syrian/Turkey border.  Erdogan, Turkey’s leader has become very dictatorial.  His actions have raised concerns with other NATO members.

POTUS is heading to Davos later this week.  I hope he shows some restraint.  

The East European countries of Hungary and Poland are bucking many EU rules.  They have strong anti immigrant positions that conflict with the EU.  It will be interesting so see how the EU resolves these problems.

The Government shut down was short lived.  Why did it have to happen?

MSU is getting a lot of heat over the USA Gymnastic’s team doctor who was a staff member at MSU.  The Doctor will probably spend the rest of his life in jail.  Many are call for MSU’s President to resign.

I still don’t know what a BITCOIN is?

The concrete repair contractor stopped by and said he would reseal the crack using an epoxy resin.  The work is scheduled for next Monday afternoon.

Nancy is fixing chicken noodle soup for dinner.  We will read the GRP and watch episodes of NCIS and Bull before turning in.

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