Saturday, January 27, 2018

Friday January 26, 2018

Friday January 26, 2018

Blog time 1135 at Panera:

It was 30 degrees when I first went out this morning.  The weather folks say we will have a nice sunny day.  Sunny is always good.

Nancy headed to MVP for her class.  For lunch today she is meeting Mary Namey at Marco’s.

I waited for daylight before heading out.  Sure enough the sun was out.  It was such a nice day that I biked my normal warm weather 7 mile ride to the Y.  I figured that because of the increased length of the ride I would not have to Row 2K today.  I really don’t like stationary exercise machines.

I watch CNBC in the morning.  Today most of their was reporting from Davos, Switzerland.  It looks like a great place to have a meeting especially for fat cats.  

From the Daily Mail, UK Millennials watching the first Bond movies describe them as sexist and racist.  Good Grief, Commander Bond is sexist!  I first started reading the 007 books after reading that President Kennedy loved these books.  If it was good enough for JFK it was good enough for me.  I enjoyed them and watched most of the movies.  Sean Connery was my favorite Bond.

Times have sure changed in the corporate world.  GE use to be the model for good management and now its stock has tanked and management seems confused on its future direction.

The stocks to buy in the 60s included names like Xerox, IBM, Kodak and most auto and steel companies.  Now these firms have taken a back seat to the likes of Facebook, Amazon, Google and even Tesla.  Although I still don’t know why Tesla’s stock is so high it has never made a profit.

I took my time at Panera because Kim usually does not leave until 1300.  I don’t want to interfere with her cleaning.

The temperature had climbed to the low 50s when I finally left Panera.  I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I took Ms P on her nature walk.  With the warm weather the cart path was cleared of snow.  Pleasant walk.

I took a short nap.  Nancy fixed me her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  At 1830 we headed out to the GR Art Museum to see the opening exhibit of Great Lakes Watercolors.  

Downtown was jammed.  We tried to park in three municipal ramps and they were all filled.  That had never happened before.  We finally parked at the GR City Center and walked to the GRAM.  The GRAM was also packed with folks wanting to see the new exhibit or maybe they came for the free snacks.  

We met Kathi Kothe and a friend and toured the exhibit with them.   The exhibit had some good watercolors of the Great Lakes and its flora and fauna.  We left at 2030.

It was still 50 degrees when we got home.  In fact the temperature will not start falling until late Saturday.  We watched a show on Amazon before turning in.

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