Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Monday January 8, 2018

Monday January 8, 2018

Blog time 1135 at Panera in GR, Jan 10

Rain is expected today our last full day in CA.  A rainy day is a good way for the grandkids to start school.

Our only scheduled activity for today is a quick meeting with Steve after work for snacks and a drink.  We are meeting at EJ Malloy’s Pub in Long Beach.

Both Nancy and I decided taking a nice drive is perfect for a rainy day.  We got on the Pacific Coast Highway in Long Beach and headed south.  We drove through most of the beach communities in Orange County.  Despite the rain we still saw a lot of folks surfing.  

On way home we did make a stop at IKEA.  I like Ikea because I keep thinking I am going to win the lottery and will need to furnish our Lake Huron cottage.  I also bought a pizza slice. It was good.

Apple Maps said the drive to EJ Malloy’s was 20 minutes.  We left early because we thought the 1600 traffic would be heavy.  We were right.  Average speed was 20mph.   Stop and go bumper to bumper traffic is a real downside to CA living.

Big football game tonight so I thought the Pub would be crowded, not so.  We had pleasant time with Steve.

At the motel I did watch the game.  First time I watched a full game this year.  I wanted Georgia to win.  

I have been getting very nostalgic lately especially since meeting with all our kids recently.  It is hard to image how time flies.  Fifty five years ago this month I was a 24 year old Navy Ensign attending a school in San Diego.  The school was labeled a self protection and escape and evade program.  It was two weeks long.  The course was required for all Navy folks going to Vietnam.  Like most 24 year old men I thought I was indestructible and would live forever.  Now 55 years later and approaching 80 I know that life is finite.  I cherish the time I can spend with family. 

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