Monday, January 29, 2018

Sunday January 28, 2018

Sunday January 28, 2018

Blog time 1015, Monday at Panera

Today is a special day in the Scott family.  It is daughter Melissa’s birthday.  It is a milestone birthday for Missy.  

Like all my kids I remember the day Missy was born.  We were living in Ann Arbor while I was in grad school.  Early Sunday morning Nancy said we had to get to the hospital quick,  the baby had finally decided that is was time.  We got in our VW Bug and headed to St Joseph Hospital.  It was cold and snowing hard.  The VW had a terrible heater so in addition to be cold the wipers quit working and I had to stop and try to clean the window.  Nancy yelled at me and said just roll down the window and get going.

Dropped Nancy off at the emergency entrance and parked the car.  I just arrived at the waiting room when the Doctor came out and said it was a girl.  
We just made it with no time to spare.  Some things you never forget.

This morning up at 0615 and got ready for the Y.  The Y was not crowded this morning.  Nancy said the pool was empty.

We headed home and changed clothes for church.  We attended the 1000 Celebration service.  Both the main male Pastors were attending conferences out of town.  The service was conducted by Pastor Karen and a visiting Pastor who was also female.  Pastor Karen gave a Great Homily.

Immediately after the service volunteers started setting up for a meal making bee.  The goal today is to make 10,000 prepackaged meals.  Thirty percent of the meals will go overseas to impoverished countries.  Thirty percent for disaster relief in foreign countries.  The remainder is held in the USA for use in disaster relief.  We had a lot of volunteers.  Nancy was a team leader.  We worked 2 1/2 hours.  

You know you are getting old when you have trouble picking up a 50# bag of rice.  Both Nancy and I were tired after our shift.  Trinity provided us with a light lunch.

At home I cleaned off my in basket and then a short nap.  We FaceTimed Missy to wish her a Happy Birthday.  She was walking the dog outside her condo.  It was in the 80s in LA.  

Quick walk around the block and then a very light dinner. We watched two episodes of Broadchurch on netflix.  We both headed to bed early.  It was a busy day.

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