Monday, January 29, 2018

Saturday January 27, 2018

Saturday January 27, 2018

Blog time 1120 sitting in Cascade Library

It was 50 when I went to bed and 50 when I first went out this morning.  However, the temperature will fall all day and will be below freezing when we get up tomorrow.

Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast.  The place was empty.  We both had our typical Saturday morning, oatmeal, banana, coffee and bagels.  

After breakfast Nancy headed straight home and I walked to Lake Michigan Credit Union.  I wanted to purchase a 12 month CD because interest rates had climbed to 1.6%.  Wow 1.6%!

Nancy had already started the laundry when I got home.  Nancy has a book waiting for pickup at the Cascade Library.  I grabbed my backpack and walked to the Library.  Picked up the book and now I am sitting in the reading room writing this blog.  You keep hearing that folks, especially young ones, don’t read.  How come the library is always crowded when I visit?

Lunch and then we grabbed Ms P and took our nature walk.  This probably will be the last time the cart path is snow free until March, at least that is what the weather folks say.  Before going inside I put out more corn for the deer.

Spent the afternoon messing around the office.  Finished with a short nap.

For dinner we drove to JT’s Pizza.  We split a medium Hawaiian pizza.  JT’s has the best pizza in town.  The place is always crowded with families.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up on events in San Jose.  

Finished the evening watching an Inspector Lewis episode on Amazon.

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