Friday, January 19, 2018

Thursday January 18, 2018

Thursday January 18, 2018

Blog time 1115 at Panera

The days are getting longer so I am getting up earlier.  Go figure!

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  Breakfast then bundled up and walked to the Y.  Temps were in the mid 20s but the 21mph west wind created a wind chill in the teens.  Walking into the wind was not pleasant.  In fact walking through loose snow wearing heavy clothes is tiring.  I was wiped out when I got to the Y.  I did however complete my calisthenics and row in normal time.  It is only January and I miss riding my bike.  Walking is just too slow and to hard on the joints.

The new smart phones are great.  I pay for most things using Apple pay, I put my boarding passes and my pass into the Y on my phone.  Technology is great.  My Dad would go bonkers with all the tech toys.  

On this date in 1788 England unloaded a ship full of convicts in Australia.  They had unloaded their debtor’s prisons.  POTUS should note that this shipload of undesirables helped create a great country.

The UK is having a cold winter.  Today’s Telegraph had photos of small snow covered Villages.  Very attractive.

Not much time to read today because I have an appointment this afternoon with my Ocular Neurologist.  I have written several questions I want to ask the Doc on the notes app on my cell.

Maybe the Olympics will help cool tensions on the Korean Peninsula.  I would like to see a peaceful unification of the Koreas.

Quick lunch and then I headed downtown to the Doctors office.  Dr Santos checked my eyes and asked some question regarding my recent bout of double vision.  The conclusion was that the pills work.  However, the cause of my slurring of speech and difficulty chewing is still a puzzle.  Is it Myasthenia Gravis (MG) or a side effect of the pills I take to control double vision.  The double vision is caused by MG.  No conclusion was reached.  I will experiment with my pill dosage and time.

I asked several more questions regarding MG, including if smoking weed is a possible cure.  Conclusion no weed.

Stopped at Fitzgerald’s on way home to see if they had any ice gripping toe rubbers.  They had just sold out.

For dinner we headed to Shepard’s Grill.  The place was really crowded.  Is it cabin fever?  I had a fried perch sandwich and Nancy a bowl of soup.  I gave the food an A and Nancy gave the soup a D.  

Watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.  Warm up starts tomorrow.

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