Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tuesday January 2, 2018

Tuesday January 2, 2017

Blog written on January 3 while sitting in den

The cold continues.  Big question how long will the cold snap last.  The GR record for continuous days with temps below 32 is 40.  I don’t think we will beat this record.

Nancy headed out to MVP for a class.  I did my entire routine at home.

As soon as Nancy got home I walked to Panera.  Scanned the papers but left at 1100 because I am taking AJ to a 1240 movie at Celebration Cinema.

The movie we saw was Coco.  The movie was crowded with families trying to get the kids out of the house.  I gave the movie a B-.

For dinner Nancy fixed AJ chicken and noodles.  I had a salmon dish.

We watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.  Another cold winter’s day.

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