Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sunday December 31, 2017

Sunday December 31, 2017

Blog time 2040 New Year’s Day

Sunday morning on New Year’s Eve, no church today, AJ was still sleeping at 0800 so Nancy told me to go to the Y. I did.  I did my normal Sunday Y routine.

Bought coffee at Panera for me and Nancy.  I sat in the living room and read the GRP from cover to cover.  First time I have ever finished reading the GRP before noon.  

This evening we are going to Kathi Kothe’s for New Year’s Evening dinner.  AJ volunteered to help Kathi.  Kathi picked her up at 1330.

With AJ gone we took the opportunity to run some errands.  First stop was Walmart for supplies.  Also returned bottles.  Next stop Meijer’s for our routine Sunday supplies.  Filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2.54.

Quick lunch and I even had time for a nap.  We left for Kathi’s at 1730.  We had champagne and great hor d’oeuvres followed by a light dinner.  We sat and talked until 2200.  It was a great NYE.


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