Saturday, January 13, 2018

Friday January 12, 2018

Friday January 12, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was 50 at bedtime and 26 and snowing when I went out at 0630.   Noted a lot of school closings on the TV this morning.

Nancy headed out before 0800 for a class at MVP.  She was back 10 minutes later saying the roads were icy and snow covered.  Who needs this stress.

I bundled up and walked to the Y.  The Y was not crowded.  Where are the Resolution folks?

The Y was empty but Panera was crowded.  Read the news and once again POTUS dominates.  Cancels trip to U.K., make disparaging remarks about Haiti and Africa and suspends military aid to Pakistan. I happen to agree with the Pakistan move.  The Haiti and Africa remarks were inappropriate.

The recent tax bill seems to be spurring companies to raise wages.  It will be interesting to see if average worker will have a larger pay check.

Nancy made it to her 1200 Book Club meeting today.  She said the roads have improved since this morning.

Presently I am doing a load of laundry.  Might take a nap this afternoon.

This evening Nancy and I are meeting the Moleski’s at GP Sports for a quick meal followed by the symphony concert.

We took the freeway to downtown and it was bone dry.  Great job by KCRC.  We parked at the City/County ramp and walked to GP Sports.  I was glad we had made reservations because the place was crowded.  The food was very good.

The concert was jammed with few empty seats.  At least 90% of those in attendance were over 50.

Last nights concert was entirely the music of Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky.  The star of the program was the guest pianist, Gabriela Montero.  She stole the show especially her free wheeling encore.  Many standing ovations.

The concert was over at 2220.  We were in bed by at 1100.

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