Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sunday January 7, 2018

Sunday January 7, 2018 visiting family in LA area

Blog time, Wednesday January 10, 1040 at Panera in GR

We planned on a nice relaxing Sunday.  Today was cloudy with temps in 60s all day.  After breakfast I walked down the street and bought a LA Times at a convenience store.  Back at the room we read the paper.  The LA Times had some interesting stories, I was impressed.  I am on vacation so no comments on current events.

For lunch we met  AJ and Missy at the California Yacht Club in Marina Del Rey.  Missy has had a membership for several years.  They have a pool that AJ loves and the Club has many outdoor and indoor tables that Missy can work at without being disturbed.  A very pleasant setting.

We all had their French dip sandwich for lunch.  I had a beer.  It was a leisurely lunch sitting at a table overlooking the Marina.

Driving on the freeways in CA is stressful, although I will give CA drivers credit for being very good about letting you merge.  I do like driving on surface streets and having time to look at the changing neighborhoods.

No Netflix so Sunday night we watched the Global Globe awards.  Neither Nancy or I were familiar with any of the shows that won.  After Oprah’s speech Nancy and I thought it sounded like she was running for President.  Apparently we were not alone.  I did not particularly like the show.  Too political.

Gov Brown likes to lecture non Californians on our lack of effort fighting global warming.  He wants high speed rail and a quick changeover to electric cars.  I noted while driving bumper to bumper on the CA freeways that 90% of the cars were single occupant and most were big SUVs.  The Gov has a long way to go.

One thing I think would alleviate a lot of air pollution would be to convert diesel truck engines to natural gas.  Cars left outside in CA have a thin layer of soot covering them.  I think it is mostly from diesel truck exhaust.

We were both asleep by 2200.  We are enjoying the break from the cold Midwest winter.

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