Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday January 16, 2018

Tuesday January 16, 2018

Blog time 1220 at Panera

The snow and cold continues.  It was 12 and snowing this morning.  I had to shovel our little walk.  Snow to end and sun emerge about noon.  It did.

Put on 16 pounds of clothes and walked to the Y.  I know the weight because I weighed my self naked and fully clothed at the Y.  

Leaders in several counties, Turkey, Russia, Hungary and Philippines,  have become much less democratic in recent months.  Of course China had always denied free speech.  In the long run denial of basic freedoms can become counterproductive.  

POTUS continues to destroy any positive movement with his program with his speak first, think later attitude.

Walked home from Panera in bright sunshine.  Great time for a winter’s walk.

At home had quick lunch and then Nancy and I got in the 
Escape and headed to Woodland Mall.  The Mall was empty except for the Apple store.  I priced a new watch band for my watch.  It was over $100 so I will have Nancy order me one on Amazon.  Next stop Horrick’s to buy fresh fruit. We bought apples and grapes.  As a boy we could not get fresh fruit in the winter.  We ate fruit that my Mother and Grandmother had canned last summer.

Nancy is cooking a chicken breast in the crock pot for dinner.  It will be served with rice and lima beans.  Sounds good.  

Tonight will read the GRP and watch NCIS and Bull before turning in.  I have to get up early for Breakfast Club tomorrow.  Temp will get down to single digits tonight.

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