Friday, January 5, 2018

Wednesday January 3, 2018

Wednesday January 3, 2018

Blog time 2030 sitting in living room.

Up early this morning because the plumber is coming at 0800 to put in new water heater.  It was cold and snowing.  No Y or MVP for Bob or Nancy today.

The plumbers were a little late but once they got started it took them just two hours to install the water heater.  Good job cleaning up.

It was snowing hard when Nancy was getting ready to head to the Gardens for her shift so I drove her.  On our way we saw four cars in the ditch.  It is too cold for salt to work so the crews are using sand only.  Sand is a poor alternative to salt.  

We had to take an alternative route because of a major crash on the Beltline.  The main entrance to the Gardens was blocked.  Nancy checked in and AJ and I looked at some exhibits.  The attendance was very low so the Supervisor told Nancy to go home.

We spent the rest of the afternoon packing for our trip to LA tomorrow.  For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  Despite the weather Brann’s was crowded.  I had the lobster bisque, Nancy had a chicken sandwich and AJ the chicken nuggets.  I always give Brann’s a solid B.

We watched a Netflix show before turning in.  Tomorrow we must get up at 0500 to make our flight.  


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