Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Monday January 1, 2018

Monday January 1, 2018

Happy New Year;  the day started with temps in single digits and did not reach 20 today.   We did have some sun which is great on these cold days.

I did some calisthenics at home, showered and then drove to Panera to get Nancy and Bob a coffee.  I did read the papers today but found nothing I  want to comment on.  

Today we spent a quiet day at home.  It was too cold for sledding or any other outdoor activity.  I did walk to the post box to mail some thank you notes Nancy and AJ had written.   I had to get my 30 in. I also watched some of the UM/SC game.  It was grim.

Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner.  We watched some Netflix before turning in.

Some New Year’s Day Rose Bowls from my youth.  On NYD 1948 our whole family went to a big party at Katy Fletcher’s big house on the lake.  UM was undefeated and played USC.  Michigan won 48-0.  I remember that the adults listened to the game on the Fletcher’s big radio.  That is right radio.  Plenty of snacks and pop for the kids.  Snacks and booze for the adults.  Plenty of booze!

On NYD 1956 we were at home and watching the Rose Bowl on our first  TV.  MSU was playing UCLA.  The game was tied 14-14 with just seconds left.  MSU kicked a last second field goal.  The kicker was Dave Kaiser from Alpena.  The whole town was proud that a local boy was the Rose Bowl hero.

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