Friday, January 26, 2018

Thursday January 25, 2018

Thursday January 25, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Looked out the slider at 0400 and my movement scared off three deer feeding at my salt block.  Great to see them using the block.

It was 27 degrees when I first went out this morning.  Not much wind so I decided today I would ride the bike.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim at MVP.  Later this morning she will have lunch with Kathi and she promised that tonight we would eat out.

I had breakfast and waited for daylight, 0805, before getting on bike.  I selected my five mile route for todays ride.  It was the right choice because anything above 5 miles would exceed my comfort level.

Standard workout at the Y.  Showered and then took the short ride to Panera.

Today’s blog is number 2,854.  Who woulda thought I could actually stick to something this long.  

Big news from the UK about over 300 fat cat men attending a male only charity event.  The event hired attractive women to work at the event.  The fat cats could not keep their hands to themselves.  Wealth or position are not an indicator of good behavior.  Once again I am amazed how dumb smart men are!

MSU’s Doctor Nassar has been sentenced to over 140 years in prison.  All the bad publicity has resulted in the resignation of MSU’s President.  Most folks say it should have happened years ago.

Friday POTUS will give his big speech at Davos.  It is supposed to about his America First agenda.  I don’t think most attendees like this theme.  Good news, so far he has not imploded.

I had my standard lunch, yogurt, hard boiled egg and an apple before heading out to run errands.
I am still on my experiment to switch from red wine to beer.  So far no conclusion has been reached.  Nancy thinks I am not slurring my words as much.  I really don’t know.  Will continue the experiment for another week so I drove to Meijer’s and bought more beer.  Also stopped at Grand Rapids Lighting center to buy a special three way bulb for our old lamp in my office.  GR Lighting is the only place I can buy this bulb.  

Stopped at home and switched cars.  I drove the Taurus to D&W for gas.  The Taurus is showing its age.  I want to trade it in but Nancy does not.

Despite the great weather no walk today.  I did take a nap.

For dinner we drove to Brann’s.  I had their lobster bisque with beer and Nancy a chicken sandwich with a margarita.   We like Brann’s and consistently give it a B.

We got home in time for the TV news.  I finished reading the GRP.  The GRP has really gone downhill.  Nancy objects to the high cost so yesterday we cancelled our Tuesday and Thursday paper and now only get the Sunday paper.  I will read the daily digital editions.  

We watched the final episode, second season, of The Crown.  The one take away I get from this series is that I can see why my ancestors bailed out of the UK.  The upperclass are certified Jerks.

The warm weather continues through the weekend.  If I was King I would never let temperatures get above 32 in January of February.

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