Saturday, December 30, 2017

Friday December 29, 2017

Friday December 29, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

The cold weather continues.  Temperatures in the teens all day.

Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  I did the calisthenics and row at home.  Since I started rowing this week I have taken 30” off my 2K time.

I offered AJ the opportunity to go to iHop for some chocolate chip pancakes but she wanted to stay home.  I would never turn down chocolate chip waffles.

Kim and her daughter Brenna arrived at 1000 to start cleaning.  Nancy followed several minutes later.  Brenna is going to house sit while we are in CA next week.  Ms P likes her.

I walked to Panera today in order to get my 30 minutes in.  As soon as I got home Nancy said that AJ choice of afternoon activities was a movie.  I had a quick lunch and then we headed out to Celebration Cinema.  We saw Ferdinand.  Once again the cold weather has forced kids inside so the movie was jammed.  Noted a lot of Grandparents.  Nancy said the movie got bad reviews but AJ and I liked it.  So what do the critics know?

As promised I bought AJ an ice cream cone after the movie.  She had a cookies and cream cone.  It looked good.

Missy texted us today that her hearing aid was damaged.  She said the dog ate it!  I am sure the insurance agent would be skeptical when told the dog ate her aid.  Anyway she did find an old one that will have to serve until next year.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  We also finished the pizza from Wednesday.  

AJ watched a movie on the Disney Channel in the den.  Nancy and I sat in the living room and watched an episode of Inspectors Lewis.  The cold weather will continue for the next week.

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