Monday, December 18, 2017

Sunday December 17, 2017

Weekend Update, blog being written in downstairs office on Sunday December 17, 2017 at 1730

A quiet weekend with the winter weather dominating.  I spent little time reading news so no rants about the ways of the world.

Saturday December 16, 2017:

Heavy snows overnight.  The temps were in the low 20s all day.  The roads, driveways or sidewalks had not been plowed.  Very difficult walking so we drove to Panera.  Glad we have an all wheel drive vehicle.  In fact I think all wheel drive is a necessity in MI.

We had our standard Saturday morning breakfast.  Oatmeal, bagels with peanut butter, bananas and of course coffee.  

At home Nancy started the laundry and I got in the Taurus and planned on goings to the Ford garage because Nancy said a warning light was on.  Actually the light was only a reminder that the Taurus should be serviced soon.  The car is used only in town and seldom driven on the freeway.  I decided to take it on a hard ride.  Clearing the freeways is the first priority of snow removal crews.  The crews did a great job because the roads were clear and I was able to drive 70.  I did stop at Cabela’s.  I bought a pair of lined jeans that were 50% off.

I stopped at Meijer’s and filled the Taurus up.  Gas was $2.44.  At home I switched cars and filled up the Escape.

Before lunch I took a walk around the block.  Walking in loose snow is like walking in loose sand at the beach.  

I shoveled our short walk to the garage.  Finally in early afternoon our drive was plowed.  Their plow company’s equipment does not allow them to get down to the bare pavement.  I spent some time shoveling the drive.  We now have the cleanest drive in the neighborhood.  I love shoveling snow.

Nancy and I left home about 1730 and headed downtown.  We met the Horlings at Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant in the Amway Grand.  The Amway Grand was jammed with folks having Christmas parties.  We liked the food at the restaurant but thought it was very noisy.

After dinner we attended the Holiday Pops concert.  It was a great concert, very uplifting, something that most folks need.  We got home about 2200.

Sunday December 17, 2017

Trinity Lutheran has changed their worship times because of their annual Children’s concert.  We attended the 0800 service in the Sanctuary.  It is very formal and attended by old folks.  I prefer the Celebration service with brass band and lots of families.  Also like being able to drink coffee.

No Y today so we had breakfast at Anna’s.  We were able to get a table right away but 10 minutes after we arrived they had folks waiting outside.  

Nancy had French toast and I had eggs, hash browns, sausages, toast and coffee.  We overindulged but it was great.

Stopped at Meijer’s for some supplies.  At home we took Ms P on a short walk.  We had to walk in the street because of all the snow.  First time she has been on a walk in days.

I did take a short nap followed by a walk around the block.  The roads had been plowed so walking was easier.

Very light dinner and then we finished reading the GRP. Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.   We watched 60 Minutes and an episode of The MidWifes before turning in.  

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