Thursday, December 21, 2017

Wednesday December 20, 2017

Wednesday December 20,2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I am up with the 0515 alarm.  It was cold this morning, 20s, but clear.  Dry pavement so an easy drive to the downtown U Club.

We had a great turnout today.  The Speaker was the GR Symphony’s Assistant Conductor John Varineau.  He has been with the symphony for 33 years.  He gave a great talk on the changes that have taken place in 33 years.  He explained how the symphony tries to attract younger folks without turning off their older base.

All reports indicates that the Washington train crash was caused by human error.   I sure wish POTUS would ease up on his immigration crackdown.  We need talent from other countries and his actions are counter productive.  I believe in almost unlimited immigration.

Finally, Congress has passed a tax bill.  I like the lower tax bracket for corporations but most folks say this bill is not a simplification.  Only time will tell.  I don’t agree with eliminating the individual payer mandate in the ACA.  Both the healthy and sick must partake to keep costs down.  

Drove straight home from Panera.   Nancy had already left for her shift at the Gardens.  I took Ms P on a short walk.

Lunch and then Wednesday chores, load of laundry, take out trash and this afternoon ran the dishwasher.  We don’t use many dishes but we usually run out of spoons or knives in several days.  

I took a nap followed by a walk around the block.  I did spent some time downloading a Fidelity account program.  Nancy and I recently opened a Fidelity account and now we can check it’s status online. 

Light dinner, followed by news and finally an episode of Inspector Lewis on Amazon Prime.  We downloaded the Amazon Prime app to our Apple TV.

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