Monday, December 4, 2017

Sunday December 3, 2017

Sunday December 3, 2017

Weekend Update:  blog time 1650 sitting in downstairs office

Saturday December 2, 2017:  it was in the mid 20s when Nancy and I walked to Panera.  We had our standard breakfast of oatmeal, bagels, banana and coffee.  Panera was not crowded so we assumed some folks had headed to warmer climes for the winter.

Bright sun and the temperature had gone up 20 degrees.  At home we put a jacket on Ms P and headed out to run errands.  First stop was Hobby Lobby.  Nancy purchased some Christmas items.  I purchased three picture frames.  I am going to frame a family photo, certificate of my time for running a Marathon in 1976, 2h 57’, and a WW II recruiting poster for the US Navy’s Seabees.  I purchased the poster at a Lake Odessa antique store.

Next we stopped at Home Depot and purchased a string of Christmas lights.  We will string the lights on our deck railing.

At home Nancy started laundry and I took an eleven mile bike ride.  The temperature was in the high 40s.

Lunch and then strung the Christmas light on the deck rail.  They look great, very festive.

Short nap and then we headed out.  Stopped at Meijer’s and Home Depot before dinner.  Dinner was at Brann’s.  The place was crowded.  We noted a large number of families.  I think families are beginning to feel comfortable with their jobs and can now eat out occasionally.

Tonight my sister, Helen, called to ask Nancy how her surgery went.  We also FaceTimed Debbie.

Watched an episode of The Killing on Netflix followed by the first half of the OSU/UW game.  We were cheering for UW.

Sunday December 3, 2017

The alarm goes off at 0616 and we get ready for our trip to the Y.  No swim today for Nancy so she walked several miles on the track.  I did calisthenics and a mile walk/run.

Headed straight home to get ready for church.  Trinity Lutheran was crowded this morning.  First Sunday in Advent.  I am still adjusting to the informality of the service.  A band, free coffee and most folks are in jeans.  It works because membership is increasing and the congregation is getting younger.  A lot of young families attend.  God Bless them!

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Gas today was $2.43 a gallon.

It was such a nice day that as soon as we got home we took Ms P on her walk.

Quick lunch and read a few sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.  My final outdoor activity was a two mile walk.  The temperature was in the 50s.  The days keep getting shorter today we have 9h 12’ of daylight.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Tonight we will finish reading the GRP and maybe watch 60 Minutes.

We did watch 60 Minutes and then the Carol Burnett 50 Years Special.  The Special was great.  Kind of a trip down memory lane.  I especially liked the replay of the Tim Conway sketches.

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