Friday, December 1, 2017

Thursday November 30, 2017

Thursday November 30, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Nancy has her cataract surgery this morning so we get up with the alarm at 0606.  Light sprinkle with temp in high 30s when first went out.

No food or drink for Nancy since last midnight.  I had a quick breakfast.  We left for the surgeon’s office at 0745.  The sun had not yet come up.

The office was crowded mostly with old folks.  We waited about 20 minutes before Nancy was called.  They prepared her for surgery.  She was mildly sedated.  When she was wheeled into surgery I headed to the waiting room.  No more than 10 minutes later I was told to head to the Recovery Room.  No kidding the actual surgery was no more than 5 minutes.

The nurse gave us instructions.  Nancy will wear a patch until tomorrow morning.  No driving, wine or climbing stairs for 24 hours, just crash for today.  Tomorrow after the patch come off and the Doc checks her out she can resume most normal activities except exercising.  No MVP until next week.

While waiting at the surgery I had a chance to read some morning news;

POTUS once again creates an unnecessary firestorm by retweeting an extreme UK far right group’s anti Muslim video.  Now PM May is really mad.  Will he never learn!

The sexual harassment charges against VIPS continues.  Nearly all those charged are married.  Whatever happened to marriage fidelity?  I have been told that all men must live by a code.  Marital Fidelity is included in any code.

The economy keeps chugging along despite the idiots in DC.  Look at green house gases; Coal burning plants are closing because of cheap natural gas.  Wind energy costs are coming down making a viable energy option.  This happens not because of congress but because of free market forces and innovation.  I am becoming a Libertarian.  In fact I voted libertarian in the last Presidential election.

Nancy did crash when we got home.  She curled up on the living room couch with her faithful dog by her side.

I got on the bike and headed to Panera to finish looking at the news and writing my blog.

At home I had a quick lunch and then ran some errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans the house Friday.  Russo’s had a special on a wine that Nancy likes.  Guess what? They had sold out in hours, bummer.

I did take a nice long walk this afternoon.  Sunny with mild temps but the wind was brutal.

The lawn maintenance companies are still cutting and picking up leaves.  Next week they will get our their plows on and start winter operations.

Nancy’s friend Kathi stopped by with a Care Package for Nancy.  Brats, chicken, beans, spinach, fruit and best of all sauerkraut.  Nice gesture by Kathi.  For dinner I had brats, beans, spinach and fruit.  Does the younger generation know what a Care Package is?

We watched the news and then the last episode of Wanted on Netflix.   Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Godless.  I love a good western.

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