Thursday, December 14, 2017

Wednesday December 13, 2017

Wednesday December 13, 2017

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0700, do calisthenics at 50% and then shower.  It was 19 and snowing when I walked to Panera.  

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  With all the snow I don’t think she will be busy working the front desk.

Roy Moore’s election loss in Alabama was a victory for the Dems.  POTUS’s support for Roy Moore sure did not help the President’s credibility.  Good grief even Alabama’s other GOP Senator did not vote for Moore.

A sure sign winter is here!  Today for the first time I wore my long underwear.

As expected the Feds raised interest rates.  Is this good for the economy?

Individual investors from China are making heavy investments in bit coins.  Bitcoins are also popular with Japanese and Korean investors.

It was still snowing and 19 when I left Panera.  In fact it has been snowing all afternoon.  I have shoveled our walk twice already.  It took Nancy an hour to get home from the Gardens.  This is normally a 10 minutes drive.

After lunch I gathered up the recyclables and trash and did a load of laundry.  I did drive to Dick’s and bought a super duper cold weather cap with built in throat covering.  Now I will be toasty on my long winter walks.

Stopped at Meijer’s and bought sandwich rolls, wine and some bananas.  Costco no longer sell the sandwich rolls that we having been using for several years.  Meijer’s offer a good substitute.

China is spending great sums of money building up their Navy.  They are capable of challenging the USN in Asian waters.  The Obama administration should have been more forceful in preventing China from building the artificial islands in the South China Sea.  These Islands are in international waters and a World Court has reinforced this contention, however, China ignored the Court. I worry about future conflicts in the SCS.

Light dinner tonight.  It looks like a Netflix evening.  Tomorrow Nancy has her second cataract surgery.  No food or drink after midnight.


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