Saturday, December 23, 2017

Friday December 22, 2017

Friday December 22, 2017

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Temps in high 20s with light snow when I first went out this morning.  Nancy headed out early to a class at MVP.  I pondered about riding my bike but it was still dark and snowing so I walked to the Y.  I should have ridden my bike.  Lately I have been having some hip pain when walking.  I probably should limit my walks.  Biking is easier on the joints.  Maybe next year I will start swimming more and walking less.

Scanned the papers but could not find anything I would like to comment on.  Lately it has been nearly 1300 when I leave Panera.  I spend over two hours reading the papers and writing this blog.  I might have to re-evaluate my time at Panera next year.  Why should a 79 year old man get so involved in reading about business and politics around the world?  

Lunch and a walk around the block before heading down to the office.  I spent several hours doing end of year stuff.

For dinner we drove to Sundance Grill.  We both had their ham-d-scram, very good.  On the way home we stopped a Walmart to get some food goodies for Missy and AJ who are coming for Christmas.

Debbie FaceTime us about 1900.  She was waiting for Steve’s family to arrive.  Steve’s family is spending the holiday with Debbie.

Nobody likes to spent Christmas alone.  I know because in 1957 I was on the UM Wrestling team and we were going to a tournament in Wilkes Barre, PA.  We were leaving AA on the 27th.  I decided that I did not have time to go home and still make it back in time for our departure.  UM left one dorm open for students with no place to go.  I moved in on the 23rd and the first night the place was so quiet and lonely I said the hell with this.  In the morning I got on a Greyhound bus and headed to Alpena.  I walked in about 2200 and Mom and Dad were playing cards in the living room.  First thing Dad said was “what the hell are you doing here”.  My reply was I wanted to be home with family for Christmas.  What a sissy!

Best Christmas gift I received as a young boy was a small RCA radio that I could put in my bedroom.  The radio opened up a whole world for me.  On cold winter evenings I would go to bed early and listen to a mystery or comedy show on the radio. 

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