Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tuesday December 12, 2017

Tuesday December 12, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Temperature in mid teens this morning but then 15mph wind puts wind chill at 5.  Brr!   I don’t ride my bike with wind chills below 15.  Walked today.

Nancy has a busy day.  First she is heading to MVP for some treadmill time.  She is attending a MEA Christmas luncheon at their headquarters which is about 0.2 miles from the condo.  This evening we are attending the Christmas NNN party.  NNN stands for Neighbors Night at Noto’s.  This is the last dinner before spring.  Most folks go to warmer climes for the winter.

Speaking of winter my legs muscles must adjust to walking in snow.  The movement is different and my thigh muscles are stiff and sore.  Also my MG  difficulties seem to improve in the cold weather.  

Everyone talks about it but I still don’t understand net neutrality.  Does it really make a difference to the average citizen.

Things I do not miss.  I don’t miss the black soot that covered the snow. The soot was from coal burning furnaces.  We would get a nice blanket of new snow and 24 hours later it would be black.  Yuk!  Alpena finally got natural gas in 1956.

I hated shoveling coal into the furnace every two hours.  Every morning I had to shovel out the ashes and stoke the furnace.  I also had to help mother clean the soot from the walls every spring.  We would use a green putty like material to clean the walls.  Not fond memories.

I don’t miss the picky long woolen underwear my mother made me wear in winter.  I don’t miss sugar rationing that we had in the early 40s.  My Grandmother made me eat my oatmeal without sugar. 

Who will win in Alabama today?  Or does anyone care.

Fracking for petroleum has been a total game changer. It has reduced our dependence on the Middle East and reduced our energy costs which is good for industry.  The gas from fracking is better for the environment than coal.  Also fracking wasn’t developed by the major oil companies but by independent drillers without out any help from the government.  Gov Cuomo of NY is doing a big disservice to the citizens by banning fracking.  Stupid!

Bright sun but was still cold, 19, when I left Panera.  Luckily the wind was on my back.

Quick lunch and then I headed out to run errands.  Stopped at the bank to make a deposit.  I need an oil change so I stopped at the Ford dealer.  They were backed up so I headed home.  I did take a nap.

In about 10 minutes Nancy and I are heading to Noto’s for the neighborhood dinner.  Twenty five neighbors were in attendance.  I always enjoy these get togethers.

Home by 2100, just in time to watch Bull.  Cold tonight with snow.

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