Thursday, December 28, 2017

Wednesday December 27, 2017

Wednesday December 27, 2017

Blog time Thursday 1119 at Panera

Wednesday normally my easy day but today might be different.  Lately I have been getting up at 0700, today being no exception.  Subzero temperature overnight and high temperature today will be in low teens.

I did modified calisthenics and a 2K row at home.  Missy and AJ slept in so Nancy and I had a quick breakfast.  I did get in the car and made a quick coffee run to Panera.  

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  I will take Missy to the airport at 1100.  She is flying back to LA.  AJ will stay until we take her back on the 4th.  

I took a quick walk around the block before taking Missy to the airport.  Nancy left at 1230 for the Gardens had AJ had about 45 minutes left in a movie.  We planned on going to the GR Public Museum after she finished watching the movie.

At 1300 got a call from Missy saying her flight was canceled and would I pick her up.  So I grabbed AJ and Ms P and headed to the airport.  

Missy got a full refund from Frontier and bought a United ticket to LA for the same price as her refund.  She will leave tomorrow at 1800.

On way home stopped at McDonald’s to get AJ some chicken nuggets.  We had planned on going to JT’s Pizza on Thursday but now that Missy was home I decided tonight was a better time.  While waiting for Nancy I took another walk around the block.

Nancy was surprised to see Missy when she walked in.  We all piled into the Escape and headed to JT’s.  We consumed two medium ham and pineapple pizzas.  JT’s have great pizza.

We had just settled down to watching an episode of The Crown when someone rang our doorbell.  It was our neighbor, Sonya, she said her lock was frozen.  We gave Sonya a glass of wine and I took a key and match and headed next door.  Used the match to heat the key and sure enough it worked.  Of course her security alarm goes off so I ran back home to get the code.  Finally the alarm was silenced.  We knew to use a match to heat the key because Missy had googled how to thaw a lock.  Ah! the power of the internet.

We drank our wine and then I took Sonya home.  We finished watching The Crown before turning in.  Another cold winter’s day in GR.

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