Friday, December 29, 2017

Thursday December 28, 2017

Thursday December 28, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Up at 0700 and take Ms P out in the bitter cold.  It was -4 this morning.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  A 2K row is now included in my at home routine.

Shower and then breakfast.  Nancy made a quick run to Meijer’s for supplies.  AJ and Missy are sleeping in today.

Nancy noted water leaking from our water heater.  I called our plumber, Somerdyke, and to my surprise he was in the area.  He checked out the water heater and we scheduled to have a new one installed next Wednesday.  Apartment living is beginning to sound good.

Like a lot of folks we decided to pay our local property taxes before years end.  I drove to Cascade to pay our bill and had to get in line.  Apparently a lot of folks also got the memo.

I ended up going to Panera to write my blog.  Scanned the news and decided most folks are taking a chance to relax between Christmas and New Years.

Quick lunch at home and then I walked to Macatawa Bank to put stuff in our safe deposit box.  Took the long way home.  Total walk distance 2.6 miles.  With temps in single digits layers are the only way to dress.

Spent some time this afternoon doing year end stuff.  At 1600 I took Missy to the airport.  She has a 1800 flight to LA via Chicago.  

Tonight we had a light dinner.  Spent some time reading the GRP and watching the news.  Lately because of company we have been watching TV in our living room.  The living room has more chairs than the den.  Last night AJ watched cartoons in the den and we watched Call the MidWifes in the living room.  

I remember when we finally got cable TV in 56.  We only had one black and white TV and it was located in our parlor.   Only three networks, so deciding what to watch was not difficult.  

Presently we have four TVs all connected to cable.  The options are unlimited.

Does anyone know what a parlor is?  The parlor in my boyhood home adjoined the living room and was about the same size.  My Grandmother Hughes used the parlor to entertain her friends.  Until we got cable TV we seldom used the parlor.   I have not seen a modern home with a parlor.

We played message tag with Missy most of the evening.  Her flight out of GR was delayed an hour so she might not make her connection in Chicago.  She txt us that she had only several minutes to get to her plane in Chicago.  However, all planes were delayed because the cold weather required time consuming deicing.  She made her flight to LA with time to spare.  Despite modern tech Mother Nature still Rules!

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