Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Tuesday December 5, 2017

Tuesday December 5, 2017

Blog time 0810 at Panera

We had high winds, thunder and lightning last night.  The high winds continued.  It was 60 at bed time and it is now 40.  Temps will continue to fall all day.

Today I have an appointment with my dermatologist at 1000.  No Y today so I did the calisthenics at home.  Showered and then drove to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Because of the cataract surgery Nancy cannot swim.  She decided to go to MVP and walk on the treadmill.

Every interest group is trying to make sure it’s tax deductions are kept or increased.  I still support a sales tax and elimination of the income tax for incomes less than less than $250,000.  It is probably to simple for our politicians.

Is Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller conducting an impartial investigation or trying to protect the FBI?

At 0930 I headed to the Dermatologist.  She checked me out and said I am ok.  Next appointment in six months.

At home I picked up Nancy and we headed to the Tanger’s Outlet.  Nancy bought several items and I bought another pair of snow pants at Mountain Warehouse.

As soon as we got home Nancy took the Escape and ran several more errands.  I bundled up and took a two mile walk. The temp was mild but a wind speed of 30 mph resulted in a wind chill in low 20s.  Miserable walk but I did get my 30 minutes in.

Spent a good time in my downstairs office cleaning my in basket.  On these cold days I have the electric fireplace going full blast.

Nancy fixed home made chili for dinner.  Very good.  We read the GRP, watched the news and NCIS.  We started watching a show on Acorn but after several minutes decided we had seen it.  We headed to bed early because I have Breakfast Club tomorrow.

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