Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Monday December 4, 2017

Monday December 4, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

We have had a spectacular Super Moon the last couple of days.  I was going to take a photo last night but too cloudy.  Bummer!

Today is the last day with morning temps above freezing.  It was 50 and raining when first went out this morning.  It is hard to know how to dress.  This morning I wore my rain suit and when I got to the Y I was drenched in sweat.  On my way to the Y I stopped at the UPS store to send a package.

My beloved mini iPad cannot access the internet.  I just use the mini in bed because it is so light.  I have dropped it many times so I think that is the cause of the problem.  Will take into the Apple Store this afternoon.  

BRexit is very slowly moving forward.  A big problem is Ireland.  Presently trade and movement between Ireland and the UK is seamless.  What happens to this mutually beneficial arrangement when BRexit is finalized.

I just wish Mueller would finish his probe soon.  He is not serving the country’s best interest by dragging on his investigation.

Let’s get the tax bill passed.  It is not perfect but I think it has some major benefits.  

I just read that a big shot at Visa was fired.  He was fired by their President Ryan McInerney.  Ryan McInerney as a young man was on a hockey team I coached.

Snow is predicted for Wednesday.  First major snow of the year.

Encountered heavy winds on my ride home.  However, the temp was in the 50s.

Quick lunch and then we all piled into the Escape and ran errands.  First stop the Apple store in Woodland Mall.  A young employee solved my mini iPad problem.  She saw that I was reading the Alpena News on my iPad.  She said she was from Alpena and graduated from AHS in 03.  Of course I told her I was Class of 56.
Next stopHome Depot to see about an outdoor timer for our string of light.  No luck.

Final stop Costco.  We purchased Cheerios, Schuyler’s soft cheese and naan bread.  Nancy bought me an early Christmas present.  A Norelco Electric Shaver.  I have been complaining about my difficulty shaving.  I keep cutting myself.  Must be old age skin thinning.  I tried the shaver and it  will solve my problem.

Took a short nap before dinner.  Light dinner and then we watched the news followed by an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

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