Friday, December 15, 2017

Thursday December 14, 2017

Thursday December 14, 2017

Blog time 1430 at Panera

Busy morning ahead so I get up with the alarm at 0615.  It was 9 degrees when I took Ms P out.  

We had over 6 inches of snow yesterday.  Most schools in the area are closed.  Our drives had not been plowed when I went out at 2200 last night but they were clean this morning.

I did my calisthenics at home.  I also rowed for 10 minutes before showering.

Nancy’s second cataract surgery is scheduled for 0930 today.  We left home at 0900 in bright sunshine.

The surgery went off without a hitch.  Pre-op and post-op procedures take longer than the actual surgery.  We were home at 1130.

As Nancy was getting settled in for a quiet day at home I took our next door neighbor to the Cascade Library.  She had to pick up a book.  The roads were too treacherous for her to drive.  Total time was less than 20 minutes.

I walked around the block before lunch.  After lunch I headed to the Ford dealer for an oil change.  They said have had an influx of pickups needing snow tires put on and could not service me today.  I made an appointment for Tuesday PM. 

I am now at Panera posting yesterday’s blog and starting today’s.  The proposed tax bill and Alabama senate election dominates the news.

I did hear that the FCC repealed the Obama administration rule on net neutrality.  I still really don’t understand this issue.

Nancy rested all afternoon.  I also reclined for a short time.

Chile and a spinach pile for dinner.  After watching the news and reading the GRP we watched an episode of The Crown.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched my favorite western, Godless.

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