Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunday December 10, 2017

Weekend Update:  being written on Monday December 11 at 0830.  Sitting at kitchen table waiting for electrician.

Busy weekend that started Saturday morning.  Nancy and I walked through newly fallen snow to Panera.  We both agreed it was a beautiful walk.

At home I ran some errands.  Stopped at Village Bike shop and bought a new rear light.  Stopped at Meijer’s and bought a bottle of brass polish and milk.

Nancy spent a lot of time making cookies for tomorrow’s Book Club party.  At 1100 we took Ms P to the groomer.  She is getting the full treatment.  

We stopped at Horrick’s and bought fresh fruit.  You can buy a beer or glass of wine at this grocery store.  Interesting place.

Nancy continued working on her cookies.  While I brought up the Christmas tree and set it up.  

At 1730 we picked up our Sonya our next door neighbor and headed to NOCO for dinner.  NOCO is a new restaurant located in the old Forest Hill Inn building.  Nice setting and we enjoyed having dinner with Sonya.  We all agreed that the food was only average.  We gave it a C.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  FaceTime is so great for keeping in contact with children.

Sunday December 10:  the cold weather continues with temps staying in the 20s all day.

Left home at 0745 and headed to the Y.  Nancy walked two miles and I did my calisthenics and walk/ran a mile.

Headed home, changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Sunday was the 2nd Sunday in Advent.  Good turnout with a lot of families.

After church we made a quick stop at Meijer’s and bought a few supplies.  At home we gathered up the cookies, ice cream and fudge and headed to the Moleski’s for the Book Club Christmas party.  Seven folks attended.  Mary Namey was absent because of the flu.  
Italian meal including meatballs was the main course.  Dessert consisted of Nancy’s cookies, ice cream with Sander’s hot fudge and peanut brittle that Nancy had purchased in Lake Odessa.  

It was a great party.  Good food, wine, after dinner drinks and conversation.

We got home at 1600.  I did take a short nap.  The afternoon meal was so filling we did not have dinner.  Watched 60 Minutes and an episode of Call The MidWifes.  I like this show. More snow tonight.  Like snow!

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