Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Blog time 0945 at Panera:

Today is my easy Wednesday, no Breakfast Club.  On my easy day I do calisthenics at 50% and eat breakfast out.  Today I am at Panera.  

Nancy headed out before daybreak to MVP.  I waited until the sun came up and then got on the Bad Boy and pedaled to Panera.

A sure sign snowy weather is coming.  Cascade Twp was out driving wood stakes at the edge of the sidewalk.  Snow plow drivers use the stakes as a guide when plowing sidewalk.  Panera is adding Christmas music to their system.

Read an article in the Alpena News this morning about test scores in the neighboring city of Roger City.  Only 38% of third through eighth grade students passed the State’s standardized math test.  24% of fourth, seventh and eleventh grade students passed the Science test.  What is the reason for the low passing scores?

Will Russian athletes compete in Winter games?  The Russian doping scandal continues.  Apparently Russian athletes still are taking performance enhancing drugs.  Stay tuned.

BRexit passed because folks did not like all the immigrants.  Now it appears because of a shortage of nurses the NHS wants to hire 5,000 nurses from India and the Philippines.  

Bit Coins, Bit Coins is all the talk on business cable news.  Does anyone really understand Bit Coins?  I sure don’t.  Same for “carried interest”.

Headed home at 1100.  Dropped off backpack and headed out on a nice 10 mile ride.  Temp in low 40s with bright sun.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  After lunch I took out and trash and recyclables.  Also did two loads of laundry.  

Short nap and then took Ms P on her nature walk.  After dropping her off I continued my walk.
Light dinner tonight followed by the news.  We watched Call the Midwife show on Netflix before turning in.  Tomorrow Nancy has her cataract surgery at 0815.  We have to get up early.

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