Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tuesday November 28, 2017

Tuesday November 28, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera.

It was warm this morning, low 50s.  Nancy headed out early for her regular Tuesday swim.  This will be her last swim until January.  She is having cataract surgery on her left eye on Thursday and will have her right eye done on 14 December.  No swimming until three weeks after surgery.

I had trouble figuring out what to wear this morning because of the warm weather.  Is 50 warm?  I selected wrong because I became overheated 1/2 way through my ride.  With the Bad Boy bike in the shop I was been riding my single speed 40+ year old Nishiki.  I really like riding the single speed.  However, I do have to avoid steep hills.  I like the simplicity.

Will the proposed tax bill pass?  The GOP should end any tax breaks for the wealthy?  If this were to happen the Dems would lose their the ability to grandstand.  Also get rid of any ACA provisions in the bill.  

The Daily Mail had another snake story.  Why are they fascinated with snakes?

Measles outbreak in UK because folks are not getting kids vaccinated.  I would not allow children into school unless they had their shots.

It was 60 when I left Panera, warm but with winds exceeding 19 mph.

At home had quick lunch and then headed out to Sam’s Club.  Nancy found what she wanted.  I came home empty handed.

Ada Bike called and said the Bad Boy bike was ready.  They had installed a new sprocket and changed tires.  Tomorrow I will take it for a long ride.

Finished outdoor activities with a walk around the block.  Rain tonight with temps dropping to 32.

Nancy is warming up leftovers from Thanksgiving for dinner.  I like leftovers.  The leftovers were good.

This evening we followed our normal Tuesday routine.  Watched news, read GRP and wanted to watch NCIS except it was preemptived by Rudolf.  We watched an episode of Major Crimes on Apple TV,s TNT app.

Most folks like this warmer weather but as a high school kid I wanted below freezing weather so I could play hockey.  In November 1955 we had a cold spell and we were playing hockey on an abandoned quarry on Thanksgiving.  The City had the outdoor hockey rink ready by the first week in December.  We had good skating until St Pat’s Day.  Hockey should be played outdoors.

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