Friday, November 10, 2017

Thursday November 9, 2017

Thursday November 9, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

It was a cold, 32, this morning with the weather folks saying rain most of the morning.  I decided to do the calisthenics at home and then walk to Panera.

Nancy headed out early this morning for her swim at MVP.  This afternoon she has an 1400 appointment to get an EKG test.  The test is needed before her Nov 30 cataract surgery.

Ms P has a 1400 appointment this afternoon with the Vet to get her annual heart worm and parasite test.  I will take her.

Light rain on my walk to Panera.  I bought a pair of snow pants at the discount mall on Monday.  They work great when riding my bike on cold days.  This morning I also found they are waterproof.  I might buy another pair.

I did read the London papers and enjoyed their trashy news.  The English write good trash.  

I ranted yesterday about my opposition to socialized medicine like they have in the UK.  Today the London papers reports that the waiting time for an operation is six months.  That to me is unacceptable.

Boris Johnson the UK’s Foreign Minister said that President Trump’s tweets are a great way to communicate.  He was supportive of the tweets.  I don’t tweet but always think that tweeting is too impulsive.  I have always been told that after writing an important letter or blog that you should wait some time before sending and before sending the message must be proofed.  I usually do not post my blog until the next day.  I usually find many simple errors while rereading before posting.  I don’t think POTUS took the same class.

Walked home in light mist.  Dropped my backpack off and then walked around the block.  My last outdoor activity for the day because high winds and dropping temps are predicted for this afternoon.

I took Ms P to her appointment at the Vets.  All the folks at the clinic know Ms P and love her.  She got her shots and passed the exam with flying colors.  I drove the Taurus.  It is very noisy.  Will be glad when the muffler is fixed on Monday.

I did take a short nap.  For dinner we met the Horling, Hal and Karen, at Bravo.  It had been awhile since we had talked with the Horlings.  We spent 2.5 hours drinking, eating and talking.  A great evening.  I should add the food at Bravo’s was great.

Finished reading the GRP and watched some of the football game before turning in.

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