Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tuesday October 31, 2017

Tuesday October 31, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Today is Halloween Day, one of my least favorite holidays.  I find nothing charming asking kids to beg for candy.  Halloween is much too commercial. 

Like yesterday I did calisthenics at home.  I was ready to ride my bike this morning but when I checked outside it was snowing.  I walked to Panera in a white out.  I was covered with snow when I arrived. 

Checked the news app and it was dominated by sexual harassment reports and the Mueller probe.  Nothing I want to talk about.

Google exec Eric Schmidt is heading to congress to talk about Russian backed political ads.  The ads might have helped Trump.  Confusing the matter is the fact that Google employees gave $1.6M to the Clinton campaign.  The donation was by far the largest of any corporation.  

Did you know that Google’s founder Larry Page is an UM grad.  The Governor of Puerto Rico is also a grad.  So what you might ask?

It is now 1140 and I am heading home.  The sun is now out but temp still a cold 37, the snow has melted.

Congress keeps talking about corporate tax reform.  We have the highest rate in the industrial world.  Denmark and France are already working on lowering their rates.  I think it is important we have a low rate.  The business world is very competitive and we need to compete.  A low rate will mean companies keeping money overseas will return the money and hopefully invest it in the USA.  

Before lunch we took Ms P on a short walk.  Took a short nap before running errands.  I stopped at Ace to buy a 150W light bulb.  Also stopped at Dry Cleaners and picked up a portion of my cleaning.  The rest will be ready tomorrow.

Finished the afternoon walking around the block.  Nancy fixed beef stew for dinner.  It was tasty.  Watched the news and then NCIS and Bull before turning in. This is our third Halloween on Tahoe.  We have never had a Trick or Treater.

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