Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tuesday November 7, 2017

Tuesday November 7, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera:

It got down to 32 last night but no sign of frost.  Ms P and I went out just at sunrise and it looks like a nice sunny but cold day.

Nancy headed out early for her swim.  I followed at 0815.  My new snow pants work great I was nice and warm on my 7.5 mile trip to the Y.  Did my full set of calisthenics.

Soup bowls and salads are the preferred lunch meals at Panera.  

Today is the 100th Anniversary of the Bolsheviks seizing power in Russia.  Lenin and Stalin murdered millions of their fellow Russian citizens.  There economic system was a total disaster.

The Telegraph had some great photo galleries.  I especially liked the autos.

POTUS so far has kept his emotions in check on his Asian trip.  Interesting to see how things will go in China.  China seems to have reverted to a strong man rule not unlike the Mao era.

Why is the House’s proposed tax bill so complicated?  I would be surprised if we see anything this year.

Today is Election Day in the GR area.  Cascade Township does not have any ballot issues.  First time I can remember when I don’t need to vote. 

Took Ms P on her nature walk before lunch.  Nancy and I counted 80 geese near the old water trap in our backyard.  It looks like they are preparing to winter over.  

Spent most of the afternoon in my office catching up.  I reviewed some emails I received from My Heritage web site.  A lot of folks have had their DNA done so I am getting notices saying that they have found a DNA match.  Most of the matches are very distant but I have several with 1%+ shared DNA.   My Heritage lists them as 1st Cousin twice removed or 4th Cousin.  The majority of these matches live in the UK.  I will spend some time this winter contacting them.
Finished outdoor activities with a 1.2 mile walk.  Nancy fixed chicken with noodle for dinner.  Very good.

Read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull on CBS before turning in.

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