Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Monday November 13, 2017

Monday November 13, 2017

Blog time 1105 at Panera

The rain has finally ended.  This morning we had light fog and temps in the high 30s.  I was overdressed for my ride to the Y.  I did my routine showered and headed to Panera.  Total time at Y less than 45 minutes.

Last night Lucas and Veronica FaceTimed us.  Lucas had just completed a baseball tournament in which his team won.  Lucas played 3rd base and pitched one inning.  Lucas also told us he made his school’s track team.  He is going to run the 800m. Alessandra and Steve were spending quality time together.

Read the Alpena News and London paper and took away the following:

The Iran/Iraq earthquake was devastating.  Sometime natural disasters like hurricanes, forest fires and earthquakes wake us to the power of Mother Nature!

Senate candidate Moore in Alabama is not getting out of the race despite a number of folks saying he made inappropriate advances.  Why not take a lie detector test?

The women bicyclist who gave the bird to POTUS’s car and was fired has raised over $50,000.   Why was she fired for this action?

Marine Vet who lost both legs by a land mine explosion has completed 31 marathons in 31 days.  Good grief what a super human effort.  When I ran just one marathon I was wiped out for two weeks.

On this date in 1002 English king AEthelred orders the St Brice’s Day massacre of all Danes in England.  Another example of the English mean streak.

Madagascar is having a Plague outbreak and it could spread to mainland Africa and even Europe and North America.

As soon as I got home we took Ms P on a short walk.  The rain had kept her inside for several day.  

Quick lunch and then I loaded up the Bianchi bike in the Escape and drove to Ada Bike Shop.  They will perform a maintenance check and put the steel studded winter tires on.  

It is the 13th so I stopped and bought a lottery ticket.  13 is a lucky number.  In 1956 I won a Jeep in a drawing with ticket number 13.

The Ford Dealer called and said the Taurus was fixed.  Nancy drove me to the dealer to pick it up.  I saw a neat AWD Focus Wagon on sale.  Think Nancy will let me trade in the Taurus?

We have stock in GE.  It was reported today that they will cut their dividend in half.  Bummer!

Light dinner tonight followed by watching the news.  Probably watch a show  on either netflix or acorn.  We ended up watching episode 2 of The MidWifes.  We got hooked on the show.

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