Monday, November 27, 2017

Sunday November 26, 2017

Weekend Update:

Blog started on Saturday November 25;

Saturday morning and the alarm goes off at 0515.  Today we are taking Debbie to the airport so she can catch her early morning flight to San Jose, Ca.

After we dropped Debbie off we headed home and Nancy and I walked to Panera in total darkness.  The sun does not come up until 0748.  We were the only folks in Panera.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I got on the bike and headed to Macatawa Bank. After making a quick stop at home I continued my ride.  Total distance 12.25 miles.  I rode my single speed and worked up a sweat climbing hills.  Showered and shaved before lunch.

Lunch and then I watched the first half of the UM/OSU game.  It did not look good.

I took a nap and when I woke I saw the score of the game so a nap was the right decision.

We called Debbie and she made it home without a hitch.  Tonight we will have dinner at my favorite Mexican Restaurant, LaLaguna.

We were the only patrons in LaLaguna.  The food tonight did not meet their past excellence.

We sat in the living room and watched an episode of The MidWifes followed by Wanted.  Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  She said her cats did ok while she was gone.  It was warm in San Jose.

We headed to bed early.  It has been a busy week for us old folks.

Sunday November 26:  I woke up without the alarm at 0615.  The temp was 23 when I first went out.  The grass was frost covered.

Quick breakfast and then we headed to the Y.  As usual on a Sunday morn, Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics and mile run/walk.  We left the Y in bright sunshine.  The temp had risen to the high 30s.

Stopped at home to change clothes and then headed to Trinity Lutheran.  The church was crowded.  Pastor Bob gave a great Homily today.  He said immigration is a church issue.  The church’s default position is hospitality.  

Our first stop after church was JoAnn’s Fabrics.  Nancy was looking for a special item which they did not have.  Next we stopped at Meijer’s for a few supplies.  

At home I changed clothes and then walked around the block.  Lunch and then took my Sunday nap.

After the nap I put out some suet for the birds.  Took another walk around the block.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner tonight.  We will watch 60 Minutes, read the GRP, and perhaps a Netflix/Acorn show.

Eggs for a Sunday evening meal was common in my boyhood.  I can remember visiting my Grandmother and Grandfather Scott at their Hubbard Lake farm.  Grandmother would fix soft boiled eggs served in a cup.  You would cut the top of the egg shell off and add homemade butter and eat with a small spoon.  Also included was home made bread and jams.  For dessert Grandfather would go to the Root Cellar and get several jars of canned fruit sauce.  Great memories!

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