Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Monday November 27, 2017

Monday November 27, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Temps in high 20s and pitch black when I went out at 0645.  Nancy headed out at 0730 for MVP also in darkness.

I left at 0815 in bright sunshine.  The sun was low in the southeast sky making riding the bike in an easterly direction hazardous.  Hazard or not riding in sunshine beats cloudy anytime.

The Y was jammed this morning.  Must be folks trying the work off last week’s overindulgence.

Scanned the morning papers and found:

POTUS says tax cut bill this week.  Think so!

Time magazine was bought by Meredith Corp.  The Koch brothers provided funding for Meredith.  I presently subscribe to three Time Inc magazines, Time, SI and Fortune.  Time has declined since its prime in the 40s, 50s and 60s.  When in the Navy, Time was the magazine of choice for news.  In Vietnam we could not wait for the Asian edition of Time.  However, Stars and Stripes was the favorite daily paper because of its sports section.

Putin now requires Foreign Media outlets to register as foreign agents.  Apparently in retaliation for the USA actions against Russia Today in US.  Why not just let the media operate freely.  Most folks are smart enough to know when they are blowing smoke.

Will PM Merkel finally put together a government.

I arrived home at 1300 just as Nancy was leaving for Kathi’s to help her with a project.  Before lunch I took Ms P on a long walk.  The temperature had risen 20 degrees since this morning and she enjoyed her walk.

After lunch I loaded my Bad Boy bike in the Escape and headed to Ada Bike.  I needed a new tire tube and a good checkup.  I also stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Speaking of Meijer today’s WSJ ran a review on a book written by the current CEO of Meijer’s, Hank Meijer.  He had written a book about the late US Senator Arthur Vanderberg of GR.  The WSJ gave the book a good review.

Nancy got home about 1600.  I did take a short nap.  

This evening Nancy and I attended a member’s only event at Meijer Gardens.  This was the official opening of their Christmas tree display.  A food buffet was provided.  About 500 folks attended.  The Christmas trees from around the world looked great as did the other Christmas decorations.

At home we watched an episode of The Killing on Netflix.  It was 50 when we turned in.  The warm weather continues through tomorrow.

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