Friday, November 17, 2017

Thursday November 16, 2017

Thursday November 16, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera 

The rain has finally stopped.  Temp was 37 when I headed out this morning at 0800.  Nancy was already swimming at MVP.

Still, in the past two weeks, have not seen any deer or turkeys on my ride to the Y.  I think the deer might be hiding during hunting season but normally I saw turkeys every day on my ride.  I don’t think turkeys head south.

Scanned the papers and the following caught my eye:

It looks like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe days are numbered.  One of the hazards of being a dictator.

The Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Cohen, has been getting some negative press lately, especially with his dealings with former employees?  Good grief Forbes has said he is not really a billionaire but worth only $850m.  Shame, shame!

POTUS got elected as friend of the working man but his appointments have been rich NYC money men.

P&G claimed weeks ago that they had defeated activist investor Peltz in a massive proxy vote.  Now it looks like Peltz won?

Electric Boat in Connecticut make subs for the Navy.  Reported today that they cannot get qualified workers.  They are now running an apprenticeship program.  We should have more apprenticeship programs.  For most folk a college degree is worthless.

More Russian hacking has been reported in the UK, both private and public firms have been hacked.

This and that:

The leaves are off the trees and bushes making visibility greater.

The landscape firms in the area are still cutting grass.

Snowboard helmets are great for cold weather bike riders.

Apple dominates the tablets and laptops at Panera.

Most folks ruin coffee by adding milk and sugar.

Under Armor’s cold weather compression mock tees are great.

I have never seen an electric car at Panera or the Y.

Thursday night football is dumb.

Did not leave Panera until 1300.  Lunch and then headed out to the Dentist’s office.  Got teeth cleaned and was given an ok from Doctor Lambert’s.

Stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Stopped at home to pick up Nancy and Ms P.  Headed to Macatawa Bank to use our lockbox.

Beef stew for dinner tonight.  Will read the GRP and watch some streaming show before turning in.

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