Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Monday November 20, 2017

Blog time 1050 at Panera

Monday morning and sunshine.  I woke at 0630.  It was cold, 30, when I first went out this morning.  Nancy head to her Healthy Life class at MVP.  Breakfast and then I bundled up and headed out into bright sun.  Pleasant 7.5 mile ride to the Y.  The birds and animals must be taking a break because I have not seen any on my recent rides.  Several nights ago when Ms P and I did our final duty call we encountered an opossum.  They are one ugly animal.

Debbie is arriving at 1600 today.  For dinner we are going to Russ’s for a bowl of their chicken rice soup.

Debbie Update: just got a call from Debbie her flights delayed.  She won’t get in until 2318.  Our visit to Russ’s is scraped.

Read the morning papers, except WSJ, found the following interesting:

African migrants waiting in Libya for boat to EU have been sold into slavery.  The Libyan Gov says it is investigating.

Hungarian President Viktor Orban says George Soros is promoting millions of African immigrants.  Soros says absolutely not true.  Orban is known for his attacks on press freedoms and civil rights.

Angela Merkel of Germany is one of the world’s most respected politicians.  She is in big trouble trying to form a government.

Many of the world’s navies are looking for the missing Argentina sub.  

Nebraska approved the Keystone pipeline.

Charlie Rose was reported to have made inappropriate advances.  He lost his CBS job.

I am always amazed at dumb some smart men are!

The liberals will have a hissy fit if the Koch brothers buy Time magazine.  I hope it happens.
The DOJ is blocking the ATT/Time Warner merger.  Good, remember when ATT controlled telecommunications.

The temperature had risen to 45 when I left Panera.  At home lunch, walk Ms P and then headed out to run errands.  Drove to Meijer’s to buy some grooming supplies.  My Dad use to rave about Black Diamond cheese so I bought a wedge for Thanksgiving.

I did take a nap so I will be well rested when pick up Debbie tonight.  Picked up my super storm coat from the cleaners.

Missy texted us a drawing AJ had made of Bob and Nancy sitting on our living room sofa.  The detail in the drawing was awesome.

Took quick walk before a light dinner.  We watched the news and then an episode of Jack Taylor on netflix.  It is now 1010 and in 30 minutes we will head to the airport.

Debbie’s flight was on time 1117.  Nancy was waiting in the airport and Ms P and I were in the cell phone lot awaiting Nancy’s call.  Picked up Nancy and Debbie and headed home.  

At home Nancy fixed Debbie a ham sandwich.  We talked until 0100 before turning in.

Question of the day: in what year did cell phone lots start?  A great idea.

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