Monday, November 6, 2017

Sunday November 5, 2017

Sunday October 5, 2017

Weekend Update written at downstairs office, 1740

As always Nancy and I had an enjoyable weekend.  However weather wise it was yucky!  Gloomy with rain and mist both days.  Of course there is an upside to weather that keeps you inside.  I was coming down with a cold so the weather forced me inside.  I took a nap both days and now my nose has stopped running.

Just a light mist when Nancy and I walked to Panera on Saturday morning.  We had our standard Saturday fare, oatmeal, sourdough toast and bagels with coffee.  It was raining on our walk home so we set a record pace.

Nancy started the laundry and put on my rain gear and walked to the Cascade Library.  I read the papers and came away with the following:

The GOP tax plan will be difficult to pass.  Too many vested interests.

NYC’s response to the terror attack was great.  Peggy Noonan’s op-ed in the WSJ was great.

The stock market keeps moving along as does the economy with no help from congress.

POTUS heads to Asia and I hope someone controls his tweets.

Will the EU and UK ever solve BRexit?

Nancy had to work at the Christmas sale at the gardens.  Because of the rain and difficulty finding parking I drove her.

Lunch and finished the laundry.  I did take a nap.

Picked Nancy up at 1700.  For dinner we stopped at Panera for a bread bowl.  For the second week in a row a restaurant ran out of bread bowls.  We just had a bowl of soup.

At home we watched the end of the MSU/PSU  game, a real nail biter.  Watched an episode on Doc Martin on Acorn.  Debbie FaceTimed us and we spent time catching up.

Sunday October 5, 2017:

DST is gone so it was light when we headed to the Y.  Gloomy and misting but light.  We drove the Taurus because the Escape’s Low Pressure Warning Light came on last night.

The Y was crowded this morning because Mary Free Bed was sponsoring a wheel chair basketball tournament.  Nancy said every lane in the pool was occupied.  The Y did not have hot water this morning so we both took fast showers.

At home changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Today was All Saints Day.  Church was crowded.  A list of all Trinity members who passed this year was read.  An interesting fact, Trinity had nine deaths this year but baptized 22.  A good indication of the health of the church.

Meijer’s was crowded this morning.  Filled up the Taurus, gas was $2.56. 

At home I took a quick walk around the block.  Glad I put on my raincoat because encountered a light rain.

Lunch and then my Sunday nap.  After the nap I got in the Escape and headed to Meijer’s to check tire pressure.  It cost $1.50 to use the air machine.  I filled up all the tires and when I started the car the warning light was off.  I hope I have solved my tire problem.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine on a waffle.  

We are now watching a football game waiting for 60 Minutes to start.  

Finished the evening watching a show on netflix.  Temps will fall to low 30s tonight.

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