Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Monday November 6, 2017

Monday November 6, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

The rain has finally stopped.  Went outside this morning to bright sunshine.  Nice to see sunrise an hour earlier, 0724.  I can ride my bike to the Y in daylight.  

Nancy was the first to leave as she was headed to MVP for a Healthy Living class.  I had breakfast and then left a little after eight.  The temp was 34 but with little wind so the ride was pleasant.

The Y was very crowded this morning.  I had to wait for a chance to do pull-ups.  My cold is getting better but I did not want it to relapse so I performed my routine at 80%.  Us old folks can not be too careful.

A recent photo showing a female bike rider flipping PONTUS’s car has been fired for her actions.  Good grief what happened to free speech and expression

Keeping with tradition the Daily Mail had another snake story.  Daily Mail continued printing photos from their archives.  They also ran a story of the possibility of Russia reopening its base in Cuba.  That should be a no-no.

Wilbur Cohen, the Commerce Secretary is said to have a financial interest with a Russian firm.  He said it is a non issue.  The info came from the hacked account of a law firm in the Caymans, similar to the hacked accounts of the Panamanian law firm.   These hacks give us an insight into how the wealthy shelters money.  We will not hear the last of this, rest assured.  

What is happening in Saudi Arabia.  Sounds like a consolidation of power.  

Quick lunch and then we headed to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  I bought a pair of snow pants to wear biking.  Nancy came up empty handed.

I will need the pants tomorrow because low temp is predicted to be 31.

Quick walk around the block and then a short nap.  Light dinner before watching the news, NBC&NPR.  

We watched an episode of The Killing on netflix.  Nancy turned in and I watched some of the first half of the Lions/Packers game.

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