Thursday, November 2, 2017

Wednesday November 1, 2017

Wednesday November 1, 2017

1015 sitting at Panera 

We all slept in today, 0700.  Cold, 34, and cloudy but no moisture until early evening.  

I had some breathing problems last night so I have decided to get out the CPAC machine and try using it again.  I suspended using it when my MG flared up several months ago.  The  mestinon pills seem to have stabilized the MG.   Maybe using the CPAC machine will improve my sleep.  Tonight will be a test.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  For the first time this week I got on the bike and headed to Panera.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.  

Read the news app on my iPad.  I am finding that the London papers are losing their appeal.  Maybe I am tired of snake stories and t&a shots of people I never heard of.  Overkill!

Top news stories; 

New York terror attack.  I don’t think there is a way to stop a lone wolf who is off the radar.

The GOP is delaying their super duper tax bill.  The infighting must be intense.  The far right clowns will never be satisfied.

Lawyers for Google, Facebook, and Twitter did most of the talking before congress yesterday.  You never get a straight answer from a lawyer.  How come Congress did not insist that the CEO’s testify?  It appears that the goal of foreign government interfering in our political process was to be disruptive, and they succeeded.  If we know it was the Russians why can’t we retaliate?

Despite our dysfunctional government the stock market keeps chugging along.  I get nervous when the markets seem indestructible.  I grew up listening to stories my grandparents would tell about their market experience in the 20s.  One day they were wealthy and the next day they lost everything.  This market pessimism must be ingrained in my DNA.
I did not get home in time to see Nancy leave for her work at the Gardens.  Took Ms P on a long walk.  She did not object.

Being Wednesday I had to do the trash and a load of laundry.  Quick lunch and then a short nap.  

The Gardens was slow this afternoon so Nancy got home early.  I picked up dry cleaning and made a stop at the Chow Hound.  Last night I looked out the window, 0200, and saw several deer at the mineral block.  The block is nearly gone so I bought a new one at Chow Hound.  

Finished outside activities by setting the mineral block and taking a walk around the block.  Light dinner and then the news.

We watched an episode of George Gently on Acorn before turning in.  It was raining at bedtime.  Temps tonight will stay in the low 40s.    

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