Monday, November 13, 2017

Sunday November 12, 2017

Sunday November 12, 2017:

Weekend update

Saturday November 11: Veterans Day.  It was cold this morning mid 20s when we walked to Panera.  No wind and plenty of layers so no discomfort.  We had our usual Saturday morning fare.  

This morning Nancy started the laundry.  I pumped up the tires to both my Bianchi San Jose and Nishiki.  

The San Jose I purchased after I retired.  It was originally a single speed bike but I added an eight speed internal hub.  It was my primary ride when we lived on Mackinaw.  However, the hills in Cascade were a challenge so I purchased the 27 speed Cannondale Bad Boy.

The Nishiki I purchased in the mid 70s as a ten speed road bike.  I converted it to a single speed.

This winter on most days I will use the Cannondale because it is a superior bike to the other two.  However,  I want a bike with steel studded tires to use during days with ice and snow.  I don’t want to put the steel studded tires on the Cannondale because the tires are noisy and reduce performance.  

I tested both the Bianchi and Nishiki on the short routes I will use during bad winter days.  I just want to get to the Y in as short a time as possible.

I decided to put the tires on the Bianchi.  It’s geometry was superior to the Nishiki.  I will take the Bianchi to Ada Bike and get the tires installed tomorrow.

My ultimate goal is to sell all three bikes and get a 29er.  Anyone want to buy well maintained bikes?

Quick lunch and then we took Ms P on a short walk.  We FaceTimed Missy in the afternoon.  Missy had notified us that she took part in a competition like Shark Tank except the judges were women.  Missy made a presentation for her line of modesty clothing for Muslim and Jewish women.  Bottom line she won!  A very interesting story and Nancy and I are proud.  Missy and AJ are coming for Christmas.

At 1600 we headed to Breton Village for shopping and dinner.  Nancy headed to Talbot’s and I visited Orvis.  We did not make any purchases.  Met at Houlihan’s at 1700 for dinner.  We immediately got a table.  Today is Veterans Day and they offered a free meal to all Vets.  I had the Fish and Chips and Nancy had a chicken salad.  Houlihan’s has great food.  When we left they had a big line waiting to get a table.  Timing is everything.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening and we had a chance to catch up.  She is coming to GR for Thanksgiving.  Good talk.

We watched an episode of the MidWifes on Netflix.  We will give it another chance.  It was raining at bedtime.

Sunday November 12, 2017

Up at 0630 and head to the Y for our Sunday exercises.  Nancy swam and I did my reduced calisthenics and run.

Dropped workout clothes at home and then headed to Trinity Lutheran.  The church was packed.  Veterans were asked to stand and be recognized.  Nancy said she was surprised at the small number of Veterans.

Stopped a Meijer’s for weekly supplies and gas.  We purchased our Thanksgiving turkey today.  A small bird about 10 pounds.  Meijer’s was running a special today.  Purchase $30 worth of groceries and the turkey is only $0.47 per pound.

I normally go for a walk after Meijer’s but it was raining.  In fact it has rained all day.  So today I did not get my 30 minutes outside in.

Short nap and then I took the Taurus to the Ford garage to get the muffler fixed.  Nancy followed in the Escape.

World famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Will read the GRP and watch 60 Minutes followed by a Netflix show before turning in.

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