Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday November 17, 2017

Friday November 17, 2017

Blog time 1215 at Panera

It was cold, 32, and gloomy this morning.  Performed my standard morning routine.  I am glad today is Friday.  Should a retired guy look forward to 

Last week Alpena set two daily temp records.  They had a low temperature of 9 topping the previous record of 13.  Also 1.46” of rain in a 24 hour period.

Read that composer Frederic Chopin had his heart pickled.  Recent tests on the heart revealed he died of TB.

Another example of the incompetence of the Federal Gov.  The Feds run hospitals on Indian Reservations.  The hospitals are a mess.  

I saw an aerial view of the Keystone pipeline spill.  It was very small in size.  Good grief we have much larger sewage spills nearly every day in the USA.

Zimbabwe is a mess.  Unemployment above 80%, run away inflation, and just total incompetence and corruption.  Zimbabwe use to be the breadbasket of Africa.  How did Mugabe stay in power all these years?

Left Panera at 1300.  Kim was just finishing cleaning when I got home.  The house looks great.

Lunch, walked around the block and then I did chores.  Replaced light bulb in office, batteries in trash can and moved TV from office to guest bed room, moved my stuff from downstairs bath to master bath.  Finished afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  I had the lobster bisque and Nancy had a turkey sandwich.  At home watched news and then The Killing on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I am now watching The Tudors.

Hero’s of a young man:

College football:  Buck Nystrom MSU lineman
Detroit Tigers: Pat Mullin
Hockey:  Gordie Howe
Detroit Lions:  Harley Sewell, offensive line
Boxer:  Carmen Basilio

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