Friday, November 24, 2017

Thursday November 23, 2017

Thursday November 23, 2017:  Thanksgiving

Surprisingly I woke up early this morning.  Decided to get my 30 minutes in early so I bundled up and took a 2.5 mile walk.  We got a GRP this morning and it was large.  I remember when the girls had their paper route they dreaded this paper.  It was so heavy.  Steve and I would help them.

Nancy was busy this morning getting the dinner ready.  I did help stuff the turkey.  Dinner is scheduled between 1400 and 1500.  Nancy did take a break so we could take Ms P on a walk.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is all family.  Until I headed to college in 1956 we spent every Thanksgiving at my Scott Grandparent’s farm at Hubbard Lake.  With family and guests over 30 folks attended.  Good food and after dinner my Aunt Bernice Scott would play the piano and we would sing hymns and oldies like Coming Through the Rye.  Great memories.

My first Thanksgiving away from home was in 1961.  Ensign Scott was staying at the BOQ at Pearl Harbor Navy base.  On Friday I would catch a flight to Midway Island to begin my year tour.  I had Thanksgiving diner at the Officer’s Club.  They got out their best silverware for the holiday and the meal was a feast, including big shrimp served in a huge silver bowl.  For a kid from Alpena I was overwhelmed.

Our 2017 Thanksgiving dinner was great.  Traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans and crescent rolls.  We had pumpkin pie later in the evening.  

We did read the GRP and watched some Netflix.  Again I fell asleep in my chair.

Steve and family FaceTimed us this evening.  They are spending the holiday with Veronica’s family in Arizona.  

Missy also texted us her flight schedule for Christmas.  She and Akerke and spending Christmas with us.

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