Thursday, November 9, 2017

Wednesday November 8, 2017

Wednesday October 8, 2017

The alarm goes off at 0530 because today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  I got on I 96 at 0630 and traffic was bumper to bumper.  Good grief this is MI not CA.

Got to BC early and talked to a retired History Professor and career Navy man about the Navy’s reaction to the two collisions this year.  He stated the punishment was not severe enough and that the collisions show how unprepared the Navy is to engage in a serious military action.  Training, training and more training is needed.  POTUS has bragged about our Navy being #1.  Maybe he should wait until the Navy gets its act together.

General agreement among members that the Army’s Court Martial of the man who abandoned his post was much too lenient.  

Today’s speaker is talked about his experiences watching the recent solar eclipse.  He was stationed in Nebraska at ground zero.  His time lapse photos were great.

Read the list of the top ten cities for air pollution.  I thought China would dominate.  However, they have two cities and they are numbers 9 and 10.  India has four cities and Saudi Arabia has two.

Senator Sanders wants a single payer health system.  The London paper are continuing reporting on the UK’s single payer system.  They ration service and in several years will have waiting lists near five million.  You have no choice of doctor.  I have several favorite doctors and would not want to accept a substitute.  I now have a favorite Dermatologist who is on medical leave.  Her substitute is substandard.  If my Dermatologist retires I will change to another practice.  I could not do that in the UK.

I think bigness is bad whether in business or government.  I would not approve the merger of AT&T and Time Warner.  We have AT&T service and they are incompetent.  Enough said.

Democrats won several key elections on Tuesday.  ENR wrote that the construction industry will benefit because the new governors are supportive of infrastructure projects.  In MI the GOP does not have to guts to raise the gas tax to pay for road improvement.  Good grief what is more fair than having the user pay for the roads.

Nancy works at the Gardens this afternoon.  This evening she has Book Club so I will not see her until after 1900.

Nancy did not go to MVP this morning because she said the Taurus was making a big racket.  I drove it around the block and concluded we have a muffler problem.  Will take it in on Monday.

Wednesday afternoon, so I did a load of laundry and took our the trash.  I also took a short nap.

Light dinner then I planned to watch episode 3 of the Vietnam series on PBS.  I turned on Apple TV and went to the PBS app and was denied entry.  I have to join the local PBS station by making a donation.  Bummer, how come I could watch episodes 1 and 2?

Nancy and I did watch an episode of Major Crimes on TNT.  I like this show. 


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