Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Monday October 30, 2017

Monday October 30, 2017

Blog started at Panera 1000

It was dark and cold this morning the temp was in mid 30s.  Light rain when first went out.

I will be glad when we go off DST.  Sunrise is 0815 so I have about two hours to fill before I leave home.  I don’t like to ride my bike or walk in darkness.  Today I did my calisthenics at home.  It was raining when I left home so walked to Panera.

The rain and cold is to continue with a slight possibility of snow.  I am not ready to start my winter routine.  In fact I have not yet figured out my new winter routine.  

Read the News App on the iPad and came away discouraged by the dark and gloomy reports.

I am getting tired of all the sexual allegation news, especially after being quiet for decades.    The allegations are serious but let the courts sort this out.  

The PR power company’s contract with Whitefish Energy is getting confusing.  One article says lineman are getting $400 per hour and another says it is per day.  I also understand that US Power Companies did not want to work in PR because the PR power company was bankrupt and they did not think they would get paid.  Is the USA going to pay for this work?  

A church George Washington attended is removing a plague honoring him because he owned slaves.  Are we going to remove his accomplishments from history books?  

The mood in the country is so bitter and acrimonious and has split the country.  Whether it is in the NFL or politics I don’t see a moderating group on the horizon.  

It was raining on my walk home.  This afternoon I spent some time getting out winter coats and pants to take to the dry cleaner.  The cleaner said I can pick up tomorrow.  Does a cleaner who provides 24 hour service do a good job?

Our next door neighbor has some battery operated candles.  The batteries were shot.  She asked that I help get the candles working.  I had to drive to Ace to get batteries.  Put in the batteries and the candles are now working. 

Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.  First time since late August that I had seen a Robin.  Was it lost? It started to rain hard halfway through my walk.  I was soaked when I got home.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched news until 2000.  At 2000 on all weekdays we take a cheese break.  It is also time for Nancy’s pill.  After the cheese we usually switch to either Netflix or Acorn.  Last night we watched another episode of “Wanted” on Netflix.  After watching “Wanted” Nancy headed to bed.  I watched an episode of “The Tudors” before turning in.

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